State of Kuwait

Type of officeAddressContactE-mailInternet
Embassy1125 Budapest, Béla Király út 27/C.Tel: 202-3335, Fax: 202-3387
Consular Department Tel: 489-4303, Fax: 202-3369
Residence1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 126.Tel: 392-5400, Fax: 200-5750

MonthDayNational holiday
February25.National Holiday
February26.Liberation Day

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ResidentNameRankPositionPresentation of CredentialsSpouse
 H. E. Mr. Saad Abdullah Saleh A ALASOUSIAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 04/10/2019Mrs. Mona Abdulaziz Saleh ALASOUSI
 Mr. Ahmad A S A ALSURAYEICounsellor  Mrs. Asma A M A ALSAIF
 Mr. A A S Mohammad MOHAMMADAttaché   
 Mrs. Bashayer KH Y Y Y F ALNAHAMAttachéAdministrative and Financial Affairs Mr. Abdulmuhsen A F A Alhammad
